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APPGuru科技情報 2.0.0
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APPGuru最新官方APP推薦適合你的好用APP與行動裝置!APPGuru報導的內容1. APP情報:人氣工具APP、女性APP、遊戲APP評測2. 新機情報:新機發表會、開箱文、Android使用教學,以及熱門3C週邊話題3. 好康活動:APPGuru會員專屬,兌換好康不用抽獎APPGuru APP的功能1. 瀏覽全站最新文章、依分類瀏覽。2. 查看本站贈獎活動,搶拿好康或大獎。3. 分享到臉書社群網站。4. 個人化收藏你喜愛的內容5. 享受APPGuru會員專屬功能聯絡我們網站:粉絲頁: :貼心提醒使用本軟體上述功能需連接網路,網路資料傳輸費用將依據您的行動上網費率方案計價。APPGurulatest official APPAPP and easy to use mobile devices recommended for you!Content APPGuru reported1 APP intelligence: popular tool APP, women APP, APP gameevaluation2 new machine intelligence: the new machine will be published, openbox, Android-tos, as well as hot topics surrounding 3C3 Guaranteed Activities:. APPGuru members of the exclusive,exchange savings do not drawAPPGuru APP function1 Visit the station latest articles, browse by category.2 See the prize site activities, grab take savings or awards.3 Share on Facebook social networking site.4 personal collection of your favorite content5 members enjoy exclusive features APPGuruContact UsWebsite: page: reminderThe software required to use these functions connected to thenetwork, network data transfer costs based on the valuation of yourmobile Internet rate plan.
myBook平版-電子雜誌、電子書、小說飽讀,漫畫免費試閱 5.2.1
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myBook讓您無限飽讀電子雜誌、電子書,不管是通勤途中、旅遊渡假,隨時隨地享受閱讀的樂趣,生活更豐富精彩!myBook提供多樣主題飽讀服務,包括熱門雜誌、親子童書、言情小說、語言學習……等。1. 百刊最新電子雜誌,完整飽讀:提供壹週刊、商業周刊、遠見、30、空中英語教室、數位時代、經理人、時報周刊、媽媽寶寶、Money錢雜誌、財訊、理財周刊、女人變有錢、雙河彎、熟年誌、Choc恰女生、or旅讀中國、ShoppingDesign、iLook電影雜誌、姊妹淘、大美人、美人誌、Girl愛女生、COOL流行酷報、BANG、Play偶像娛樂情報誌、潮人物、TaipeiWalker、哈潑時尚、柯夢波丹、君子、ARCH雅砌、突擊、戰場、軍模誌、動腦、食尚玩家、健康兩點靈、TVBS...等知名熱門雜誌。*部分刊物,如壹週刊、商業周刊、遠見、30、空中英語教室…等,出版社僅提供編輯精選內容。2. 首創主題電子書飽讀服務,滿足各種閱讀需求:myBook特別邀請國內知名出版社 -時報出版、遠流出版、親子天下、幼福童書、小兵出版、禾馬……等知名出版社為讀者提供主題飽讀服務,不管您喜歡的是知性作品、對戀愛充滿幻想、或是想要學好語文、陪伴小孩成長,myBook電子書通通都能滿足您。3. 每周提供新書免費試閱,可搶先閱讀最新電子書、熱門電子雜誌!除了豐富多元的內容,myBook還為您打造最優質的電子雜誌、電子書閱讀器1) 電子雜誌劃線註記功能,並提供書籤索引及搜尋功能。2) 支援電子有聲書,提供中英對照、跟讀錄音、複讀、AB點加強閱讀…。3) 多種背景主題:純白簡潔、純粹手感與黑夜模式及自訂主題,提供最適化的閱讀模式。4) 支援離線閱讀模式,並整合雲端與本地書櫃,個人書櫃隨身帶著走。5) 書櫃分類索引及搜尋功能,找書更快速便利6) 書籍標示下載狀態及閱讀進度,輕鬆掌握閱讀計畫。馬上下載myBook閱讀器,一起樂讀。價格最優惠,藏書最豐富,購買電子書、電子雜誌請至myBook書城http://mybook.taiwanmobile.com掌握最新書訊,請在Facebook上與我們互動致力於提供最優質電子雜誌、電子書閱讀環境若您有使用上的問題或建議,歡迎來電或來信詢問:1) 服務專線:台灣大哥大網內用戶請手機直播188,網外用戶請撥02-660629992) 服務信箱:myBookService@taiwanmobile.commyBook allow youunlimited Steeped in electronic magazines, books, regardlesscommute, travel vacation, enjoy the fun of reading anytime, richerlife wonderful!Steeped myBook provide diverse themes, including popular magazines,children's children's books, romance novels, language learning...... etc.1. one hundred published the latest electronic magazine,complete well-read:Offer Next Magazine, Business Week, vision, 30, Studio Classroom,digital era, managers, Times Weekly, mother baby, Money Moneymagazine, SEEC, financial weekly, a woman becomes rich, Shuanghebend, cooked in Chi, Choc just girls, or brigade read Chinese,Shopping Design, iLook film magazine, sister Amoy, great beauty,beauty blog, Girl love girls, COOL Cool popular newspaper, BANG,Play intelligence Chi entertainment idol, tidal character, TaipeiWalker, Harpers Bazaar , Cosmopolitan, gentleman, ARCH elegantpuzzle, assault, battlefield, troops die chi, brains, players stillfresh, healthy two o'clock spirit, TVBS ... other well-knownpopular magazines.* Some publications, such as the Next Magazine, Business Week,vision, 30, Studio Classroom ... and so, publishers offer only editthe selected content.2. The first theme eBook Steeped services to meet the needs of avariety of reading:myBook specially invited well-known publishing houses - TimesPublishing, Yuan-Liou Publishing, parenting world, young Fuchildren's books, publishing soldier, Wo Ma ...... and otherwell-known publishers to provide readers with the theme Steeped inservice, whether you prefer the intellectual works, for lovefantasy, or want to learn the language, to accompany the child togrow, myBook can meet all your e-book.3. The weekly book free trial can be the first to read thelatest books, popular electronics magazine!In addition to a rich and diverse content, myBook also for youto create the best quality electronic magazines, e-bookreader1) electronic magazine crossed annotation capabilities and providesindexing and search functionality bookmarks.2) Support electronic audio books, provide bilingual repeatrecording, repeat, AB point reinforce reading ....3) a variety of themes: white simple, pure feel and night mode anda custom theme, providing the optimum mode of reading.4) Support for offline reading mode and integration of cloud andlocal bookcase, personal bookcase wherever you go.5) Bookcases Classification Index and search function to find booksmore quickly and conveniently6) The status of the download and read books marked progress tomaster reading program.Download Now myBook reader, along with music reading.The best price, the most abundant collection of books, buybooks, e-magazines go to myBook Bookstorehttp://mybook.taiwanmobile.comThe latest book news, please Interactive with us on FacebookmyBook committed to providing the highest quality electronicmagazines, e-book reading environmentIf you have questions or comments on the use, please call or writein to ask:1) Service Line: Taiwan Mobile network users within thebroadcast, please phone 188, the net external users, please dial02-660629992) Service-mail:
OKVideo 1.1
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Sebelum menggunakan sistem secara otomatisakan meminta anda untuk melakukan proses registrasi pengguna kartuinternet OK prepaid. Untuk film, FTV, MV musik, karaoke, semuadapat dicoba secara gratis, selain itu akan ada beberapa jenis filmyang membutuhkan pemotongan biaya per kalinya. (Layanan tersebutterbatas hanya untuk pengguna kartu internet OK prepaid. Untukjaringan internet menggunakan wifi tidak dapat menggunakan layanantersebut.)
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想知道你今日的運勢嗎?提供妳最具權威性的每日運勢大預言,分析不同星座健康、事業、財運、戀愛等,還可免費測試塔羅占卜喔~功能特色:★ 12星座運勢每日更新★ 精彩主題解析,幫妳贏得人生★ 提供每日開運歌曲注意事項:★ 下載後,可設定Widgets 桌面小工具,如無法正常顯示,請重新開機
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match股市是專為投資人量身訂做的股市看盤軟體,透過桌面小工具可隨時追蹤股票行情,全新版本掌握盤勢個股資訊更容易! 功能特色:★ 提供大盤資訊和自選股股價★ 個人化專屬自選報價功能,提供八檔商品報價★ 提供完整財經新聞、大盤盤後資訊及個股盤後資訊注意事項:★ 下載後,可設定Widgets 桌面小工具,如無法正常顯示,請重新開機
match新聞 6.1
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match生活網提供即時新聞、娛樂、運動、社會、生活、休閒玩樂、樂透開獎等行動版內容,還有股市看盤、電影時刻表能供隨時查詢,為你提供全面且即時的資訊!詳細介紹:★ 最新、最豐富! 24H提供蘋果日報、NOWnews…等即時新聞★ 股市看盤提供當日行情、大盤走勢、類股走勢等專業查詢★ 提供電影劇情、全台灣時刻表、預告片,電影內容最多最完整★ 精選熱門影音,娛樂圈最新動態Online隨走隨看★ 左右滑動,快速切換分類與上下則新聞★ 快速轉寄關注文章,社群分享超便利★字體大小任你調,眼睛無負擔新功能:★新增編輯特別企劃專題報導★新增《你可能會想看》推薦文章★調整分類,更符合行動載具需求★修復載入網頁時間過長問題
OKMusic 2.0.2
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Special OKMusic:Online listen to the musicThere are millions of musics under the OKMusic database, and itssearch engine allows you to get your favorite music includingsingle ep, new albums, and top musics from US, EU, and Korea, soyou won't miss any good music.Listen to the music by different types of the channelOkMusic has different types of the channel, you can select thefavor channel and that will be automatic to play the music, notspend on time to choose the music for listen.Offline listen to the musicOkMusic can offline and listen to the music, even there are nointernet, still can enjoin to listen the music, and save theinternet’s money.Environmental Requirements1.Online listen to the music by 3G internet (This service isavailable for the member of TWM ok-Card only)2.Please to use the device of later than android 2.3 version.
音樂達人 1.0
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提供給台灣大哥大手機用戶全方位的手機音樂下載服務,一次滿足你手機音樂的需求。軟體特色:* 豐富的音樂類型 滿足您手機下載音樂的需求熱門歌曲排行榜、新歌推薦、各語系的分類歌本、、等等,一次滿足你找音樂的方式,讓你透過手機下載音樂超快速。* 完整專輯介紹 聽了喜歡再下載喜歡哪一位歌手專輯,點選專輯圖就可以進入整張專輯的介紹頁面,除可一次看到該張專輯的所有曲目之外,還可以直接點選歌曲進行試聽喔* 雲端儲存下載歌單 專屬於您的推薦歌曲雲端儲存個人下載歌曲紀錄,貼心提供24小時重複下載的機制,以及依據您所下載的歌曲推薦給你專屬的個人歌單喔!!好康放送:提醒您現在下載音樂達人軟體者,當您軟體下載成功後還可以下載一首免費歌曲喔,更多產品資訊請見本軟體版權為台灣大哥大所有。Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd Web Sit
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提供全台各地最新天氣預報,天氣動態一手掌握!功能特色:★ 每日最新天氣預報★ 全台各地天氣觀測★ 紫外線即時監測資訊★ 豐富的生活資訊注意事項:★ 下載後,可設定Widgets 桌面小工具,如無法正常顯示,請重新開機
時空訊息 1.0.014
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myPhoto大相簿 1.2
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Wali智慧錢包(商家版) 1.0.0
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提供商家多元行銷導購功能,支援多種支付核銷工具,簡單易用的Wali智慧錢包商家版平台》行銷導購1. 提供商家優惠券發放功能,含面對面發放優惠券、交易後自動發放優惠券、手機門號發放優惠券2. 提供商家集點卡發放功能,含面對面發放優惠券、交易後自動發放優惠券、手機門號發放優惠券3. 提供商家會員卡發放功能,含面對面拍攝加入會員,會員申請同意等》支付核銷1. 支援信用卡付款功能2. 支援優惠券核銷功能3. 支援集點卡核銷功能4. 支援會員簽到功能
matchApps軟體商店 1.2
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想要找好用APP? 來matchApps就對了!這裡有超夯、實用工具與熱門的遊戲。matchApps軟體商店網址: http://m.matchapps.net幫您省下苦苦尋找APP的時間,而且還隨時搜尋熱門主題APP,就是要您生活輕鬆超開心!工作效率超 Easy!特色:1. 週週更新熱門軟體、推薦好工具與遊戲。2. 打破語言隔閡,篇篇好文評測介紹,輕鬆了解APP。3. 嚴選本地化的好用生活工具,好用才推薦。4. 與你生活在一起! 隨時幫您網羅超夯APP,不怕臨時找不到。還有更多優質APP與好康優惠,快上matchApps 軟體商店體驗去!本軟體版權為台灣大哥大所有。Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd
國際WiFi通 1.1.0
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台灣大哥大用戶漫遊上網新方案!除了行動上網外,新推出出國以分鐘計費的Wi-Fi服務,上網不用再擔心上傳、下載傳輸量,以分鐘計費讓您輕鬆掌握漫遊上網費用,立刻下載「國際WiFi通APP」,上網無線延伸。貼心小提醒:1.使用前先向台灣客服開啟「國際Wi-Fi通功能」(台灣客服188,漫遊時請撥+886935120080(漫遊發話費用))。2. 登入APP時請輸入台灣大哥大網站會員帳號及密碼進行身份驗證。Wi-Fi上網連線說明 :1. 點選「 連線」開始計費。2. 「 中斷連線」後停止計費。附加功能 :1. 隨時查詢Wi-Fi連線分鐘數記錄。2. 自動儲存帳號密碼。3. 隨時更新漫遊當地最新Wi-Fi熱點。回傳系統記錄輔助排除障礙。Taiwan Mobile userroamingaccess new program!In addition to mobile Internet, the newly launched abroad byminutebilling Wi-Fi service, Internet no longer need to worryaboutuploading, downloading traffic in minutes so you can easilygraspthe roaming charge access fees, and immediately downloadthe"International WiFi pass APP", Internet wirelessextension.Little reminder:1 using previously to Taiwan Teleservices open the"InternationalWi-Fi pass function" (Taiwan Teleservices 188 roamingcall+886935120080 (roaming charges utterance)).(2) when you enter the login APP TWM website member ID andpasswordfor authentication.Wi-Fi internet connection Description:1 Click "Connect" to start billing.2. "Disconnect" to stop billing.Additional features:1 Wi-Fi connection at any time the number of minutesrecorded.2 automatic storage account password.3 Last updated roaming the local Wi-Fi hotspots.Auxiliary system records returned obstacles.
泡泡歷險記 1.1
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「泡泡歷險記」共有四大關卡,分別訓練孩童認知、邏輯、記憶力、手眼協調、人際互動等能力。透過成績紀錄,提供老師和家長分析孩童的學習成長進度。特別針對發展遲緩兒童,透過遊戲延伸治療於居家,提升效果。1.一起玩拼圖: 認識物品形態與功能,學習推理思考能力2.我會跟著做: 由生活互動情境,建立正確合理行為模式3.小偵探找找看: 增加記憶力及強化思考反應能力4.漂浮氣動球: 加強手眼及小肌肉的協調能力歡迎您立即下載體驗!"Bubble Adventures"Thereare four levels, each child cognitive training, logic,memory,hand-eye coordination, interpersonal and other skills.Throughperformance records, provide teachers and parents analyzetheprogress of the child's learning and growth. Especiallyforchildren with developmental delay, extended treatment athomethrough games, enhance the effect.1 play with puzzles: Understanding goods morphology andfunction,learning reasoning ability to think2 I will do what I do: the life interaction situations,establishthe correct rational behavior3 Detectives look for: increased memory and enhancedresponsecapacity to think4 pneumatic float ball: strengthening the small muscles ofthehand-eye coordination andWelcome to you immediately download experience!